Monday 29 April 2013


Today, we did some work on timing, by taking a little character and changing its walk cycle to a run cycle. The walk cycle looked like this.
My first instinct was to delete the frames, and recreate them to make the run cycle. This did not work.
I tried again, trying to simply shorten the times between, and copy and paste it from there. This worked even less.
Finally, I was taught a different method. It was much more simple to take a half and half approach. Firstly, I selected all of the keyframes in the timeline, then brought up a move/scale window and changed the scale from 1 to a 0.5.
This shortened the loop itself, making it faster. Then, I took the loop, copied and pasted it so that it looped twice.
Finally, I went back over the animation itself, added and changed keyframes as would be needed to turn the walk cycle into a run cycle.

Saturday 27 April 2013

27/04/2013 - E Stings Progress

Yesterday, I finished filming the E Sting itself. Next, I'm going to add sound, and edit what parts may need it.

I had some trouble with the cameras running out of power, and some things in the video, I feel, move too fast. I also had trouble with holding the shoes in place, as the wires and tape system I was using stripped the lining out of the floral shoe. There was also trouble when one shoe had to be in the air, and I had to keep my hand out of shot. It probably would have been easier, in these shots, to have used some thin string to hold it up, but I hadn't thought to do that. The final zoom feels too quick as well.