Monday 15 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 14

14) Go to this random name generator and design a character for whatever name you get. Tip: you can click each name to learn its origin and meaning.
So, as you can see, I got Osmund Perkins. I can’t hear the name Perkins without instantly seeing someone slightly nervous, and involved with some kind of academia. Put together with the name “Osmund”, something swung that into a fantasy mage academic who doesn’t talk to people much.
(Yes, I know I did this and a few others a day late, but I figure it’s not so bad to forget a few days as long as I still do each of the prompts. I’ll still develop my skills, even if I don’t strictly manage it in 30 days, yknow)

Saturday 13 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 13

13) Pick an order of angels and design a character based on/inspired by their description. The resulting character doesn’t necessarily have to be an angel. Bonus: pick Thrones, the giant wheels covered in eyes.
Yeah, day 13 was an interesting one. I looked through the list of angels, and decided to use the Cherubim, as I thought it had a particularly interesting description. I can probably blame my interpretation of the four faces a little bit on Koh the Face Stealer from ATLA, though afterwards I looked at it and thought to myself “this looks Lovecraftian as all hell. Well, better not do it halfway”. Hence the flying dinosaur wings.

Friday 12 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 12

12) Design a high fantasy character whose outfit is based on whatever you’re wearing right now.
Challenge day 12, and as you may be able to tell, I had a lot of fun with this one. My current outfit is my favourite set of pajamas, which feature pants with a teacup pattern. I definitely wanted to incorporate that as soon as I read the prompt. Hence the teacup hip thingies and the weird kinda camo on the pants. Mostly, I like the tunic, which is based on this hand me down shirt that’s like 5 sizes too big for me.
Please ignore how shitty the fire is. I tried to follow a tutorial, and it didn’t quite work out for me.

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 11

11) Pick your favorite mythological figure and create two designs for them: one that’s as historically accurate to their time period and culture as possible, and another that takes as many artistic liberties as you want (this could a modern AU, something in your typical style, etc.).
I probably should have done Persephone, going by mythological figures rather than species, but I decided against that and went in favour of the Grecian Sphinx.
The “historically accurate” one probably doesn’t look too accurate, but that’s due to my sudden “how the fuck does this creature dress itself” moment. That kind of ended up being the theme throughout. I decided to give them sort of Lion King style paws that kind of act like hands, but they still wouldn’t be terrifically dexterous. And that’s not even getting at the wings.
I kinda want to write a short story from the modern Sphinx girl’s perspective, about how she’s annoyed with things that require or are much easier for bipedal creatures that have hands, because everything’s designed for humans not creatures. I think it might be interesting to write, once I’m done with the challenge.

Monday 8 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 10

10) Create a color palette based on the colors in your bedroom, then design a character from this palette. Bonus: don’t use the colors of your walls or floor in your palette.
The problem with this day’s prompt, for me at least, was that I quickly realised something. My room doesn’t have very many colours. Things are red, things are white or things are wood. I assumed I wasn’t allowed to use my dragon collection, by virtue of that having more than enough colours included to cover most characters I’ve ever created. So, I used the wall for her sash, picture frames for her pants and boots, and took her brown hair from the fact that most of the women in the posters in my room are brunettes.

Sunday 7 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 9

9) Design a character inspired by this poem.
Day 9, and this might require a bit of explanation. For some reason, when I read that poem, the image I got was some office guy looking back on his life, old ambitions to take on the world, and how he’d let himself get into a rut in a dead end job. So I figured he’d be as good a character candidate as anything. I liked doing his hair the best.

Saturday 6 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 8

8) Draw a non-human character— the less human-looking, the better (so avoid things like elves, vampires, etc.). Bonus: Make up their species instead of using existing mythological creatures.
Day 8. I decided to try drawing this one straight on paper with a pen. Partially because I haven’t for a while, partially because I’m sitting downstairs right now and it’s late. I forgot to do it earlier, so I’ve just quickly put down a quick… Wolf griffin? I dunno, but she looks cool and her name is Dyrene. I actually like the idea that she’s a queen of a ruler of her culture.