Tuesday 2 June 2015

30 Day Character Design Challenge - Day 4

4) Grab your oldest sketchbook that you can find and pick an old character to re-design. Bonus: pick the character by opening to a random page instead of hand-choosing.
Day 4! This has a mildly interesting story. You see, me and my family fairly recently did Spring cleaning. We put all the filled sketchbooks in the attic, which I can’t get into, since I’m scared of heights, and yes, I’m that pathetic in regards to it.
However, wonder of wonders, I had my Deviantart. My deviantart that I’ve had since I was I think thirteen or fourteen. I went on the oldest page there and grabbed an old drawing of one of the many Kingdom Hearts OCs I’ve amassed over the years. I considered redesigning Amy Terasu and make her notculturally appropriative as all hell, Jesus thirteen-year-old-me. However, I decided against it since, frankly, I want it unmolested to remind myself occasionally that I was a goddamn idiot at that age.
Now, on to the actual design I did. For all I harp on gritty reboots, I sure jumped at the chance to do the same to my own Kingdom Hearts OC. In the original, she was just supposed to be a history buff who kind of gave herself a challenge to make a keyblade of her own. In the redesign, she’s a full on archeologist, in a more Lara Croft 2014 situation, an expedition gone south in a big way. Except, instead of a weird devil island, here we’ve got Heartless.
Please don’t ask about what’s on her bandolier or in her hand, I can never remember jack shit about items from games. Also, that keyblade was so hard to try and update, and I’ve not drawn keyblades in a while, that’s my excuse.

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