Friday 28 February 2014

Well, This Took a While - 28/2/2014

Yeah, I have some problems with getting on this blog with any regularity. My apologies.


So, this module has been to make an experimental, visual based ident for a competition for DCM, a company that advertises movies. We are expected to learn about abstract imagery, but also about compositing. I'm going to try to start from the beginning.

At the beginning, we all had a discussion about emotions that we felt during various films. We made spider diagrams of our personal favorite movies, mine being Pacific Rim, about the different emotions we experienced during specific films. After that, we all discussed what colors, shapes, and movements reminded us of those emotions. I have some trouble with abstract imagery like this, as I cannot really equate a random shape to an emotion. I can understand the aura of certain shapes in context, I know that if a character is made up of triangles they look more sinister, and if they're made up of circles they look softer, dumpier and more friendly, but the shapes by themselves don't seem to have a strong enough aura by themselves.

Next, we started experimenting with compositing shapes onto images we found on the internet.

After that, we experimented with techniques of creating abstract imagery, such as the extrude tool and different render and material settings.

After this, we experimented with specific emotions in photographs by compositing photographs together using the DCM logo.

With that, we experimented with specific emotions in abstract imagery, making things on Cinema 4D after researching our chosen emotions. The three emotions I have chosen to explore are fear, sadness and excitement.

I also tried testing these images by compositing them into the DCM logo, to see how they will fit and get an idea of what I can use them for.

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