Friday 28 March 2014

SWOT Analysis

To learn about what skills the careers that I would like to work in in the creative industry would require, I went to and had a look at how my skills and weaknesses would apply. However, I also had to examine my skills on their own merits.

  • Good at drawing
  • Especially frozen motion
  • Creative
  • Film literate
  • Leadership qualities
  • Storyteller
  • Understanding of image layout and composition
  • Decision making
  • Organisational skills
  • Drawing consistently
  • Tact
  • In College for a creative industry course
  • Competitions such as the Macmillan Prize and Illustration Friday
  • Websites
  • Word of mouth
  • Judgement based on my disability
  • Communication problems
  • Lack of confidence with software
  • Lack of confidence

Skill Analysis in Careers
I went into and examined different careers in the creative industry, before comparing my skills and weaknesses against the skills that would be required in the specific careers.

Storyboard artist
Skills: Film literate, good storyteller, understanding on sequential imaging, layout and composition. Should be able to work either alone or in team, and take direction.

Needs Development: Drawing consistently, everything the same size. Familiarity with storyboard software.

Animator CGI
Skills: A feel for movement and timing, creative and artistic qualities, appropriate technical skills. For character animation, acting talent, observational skills and animation experience. Take direction, work in a team. Organisational skills, communication skills and attention to detail.

Needs Development: Animation experience.

Skills: Creativity, imagination, artistic flair, storytelling, film literacy, leadership qualities.

Needs Development: decision making, organisational skills, tact, management.

Skills: Drawing skills, working to a brief, Creativity, understanding of computer graphics

Needs Development: Time management, selling ideas and making presentations

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