Friday 4 April 2014

Podcast Recommendation - Writing Excuses

Writing Excuses is a podcast created by a group of professional authors, all about how to tell stories. Each episode is only fifteen minutes long, meaning that the information is bite sized, the sort of thing you can listen to on short journeys or between doing other things. It also means that the group tend not to stray too far from their basic points, doing something they call "can of wormsing", which means that sometimes, if they stumble across a subject during their discussions that could lead to a larger tangent, they will add that larger tangent as the subject of a later episode. Another thing I like is that they aren't all one kind of storyteller, giving a range of viewpoints. One of the group, Howard, is even a cartoonist rather than a writer of novels. Finally, another thing I like about the podcast is the informal tone of it, something which I find helps me to remember their points and discussions better than if they had used a coldly professional tone.

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