Friday 30 January 2015

My Digital Media Project - All Briefs - More In-Depth Explanations and Thoughts Thus Far

Brief 1 - Brief 1 was a mascot for a professional event, like Pictoplasma. An event where professionals in the sector would meet with each other, give talks, etcetera. This character, whom I nicknamed Robo, was intended to be a pleasant, happy character, yet one who had a slight melancholy about him. I wanted him to look like he had a life behind him, plausibly quite a long one. The final products I want for the Realisation handin are a character sheet, a reusable vector image of Robo, and a banner made using said vector image. Through working on him, I gained some extra practice in using Illustrator and Photoshop, though I am already familiar with these.

Brief 2 - Brief 2 is the main character from a lesser known fairytale. I, personally, prefer to call the fairytale Donkeyskin, but it has several names. This character has a rather traumatic backstory in the fairytale. This character's final products are to be her character sheet, three designs for the three gowns in the story, and a completed illustration of a point in the story. I rearranged the order of the briefs almost specifically because I wanted to do this one within the development deadline. This is the one I really want to do well, because it is the one most heavily placed in my area of interest, and using techniques that I enjoy.

Brief 3 - Brief 3 is a comic book protagonist, based on the archetype of a Paladin. A Paladin is a common class in Roleplaying Games, especially those set in High Fantasy worlds. However, one iteration of the paladin archetype I have not seen is one in an Urban Fantasy setting, a person in a modern world who has the abilities associated with Paladins. This was the concept I wanted to play with. This character would follow a fairly formulaic Urban Fantasy plot, where an Everyman character would gain unexpected supernatural abilities. Usually, though, these abilities would be based around a different archetype, say a witch or a medium, I've never seen it done with a Paladin. The final product of this brief is to be a character sheet and a page of her story, made using Manga Studio, with the help of a tutorial site I found.

Brief 4 - Brief 4 is a merchant character for a video game aimed at children. Merchant and Smith characters in video games, in particular RPGs, tend not to look very different from each other. Sometimes, I'd swear the smith characters were all the same man. Because of this, I think it'd be interesting to find something different to try, another angle for the character. However, this character's final prototype would be their character sheet, and an at least basic 3D model of them. While I have used some of the software before, I am not extremely confident in it, and I understand that there are differences between what I've learned about the software and how it is supposed to be used in creating assets for video games. This is why I have gotten in contact with another student, James, who works in the video game industry. I've asked him for help, when I roll around to this brief.

Brief 5 - Brief 5 is a mascot for a family friendly chain of Italian restaurants. The final products would be a character sheet and a short animation using Flash or After Effects. Originally, this was the first brief, but after some thought, mainly on the fact that I don't actually have easy access to the software required to do it, I decided to make it the last instead. Due to this sequence of events, I have done a good deal of thinking and made some very basic sketches. Originally, I was going to use an Italian cook as a base for the mascot, but I felt that was too obvious, too cliche. Instead, I decided to use an Italian grandmother, because I felt that would be a more interesting choice. There are several Grandmother tropes that I felt would be more fun to play with, such as grandmothers who have surprising backstories, tales of adventure and romance that clash with the wholesome image connected to old women.

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