Saturday 12 October 2013

Weekly Review - 11/10/2013

This week, I mostly did research into things to do with my animation, and how different professional companies do model sheets. I've also been brainstorming different techniques.

I've looked into various professional model sheets, and how they are constructed. I've realised that, usually, the colours, turnarounds, expressions etc are on separate sheets, instead of all on one the way I did so on my model sheet. It likely may have helped with fitting things on. There were quite a few expressions that were originally on, but I instead left it with just my own personal favourites. However, I feel this hasn't weakened my sheet at all, because the two I used were fairly indicative of the rest, and I got across enough of Red's character in other things, her posture in the turnarounds, her background, any way I felt I could get across Red's heart, I got it across.

I also started looking into different animators, and their techniques. This has been informative in a lot of different ways, but it doesn't get any more explanation, because it's going to be another post on here!

I also took part in an exercise where me and the others in the class at the time, between us, created a 7 frame animation, drawing a frame then passing it on. We each drew a first frame for this, so that none of us would be left twiddling our thumbs. This ended up... Very interesting. If not for the teamwork, or animations themselves, then certainly for the glimpse into the participants' psyches.

Yes, I know I'm a day late again.

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