Saturday 5 October 2013

Weekly review - 5/10/2013

Yes, it's a day late, hush.

Right, well, this week was mostly spent working on the character. Mainly Red, since she's the main character. It was suggested that we work through a sort of questionnaire on the character, to help us better understand them. I also had to type it up, due to poor handwriting.

I may have gotten snarky with it at some points.

This week, I also traced up and coloured my character turnarounds, expressions, and saved the colours in some flowers, for when I made the character sheet, which I did on friday. I put the colours in flowers because I felt like simple dots looked a little boring, and I wanted something that would fit in with the illuminated manuscript theme. Looking up some illuminated manuscripts, I noticed that floral patterns would sometimes decorate the sides, so I went with some flowers to put the colours in. On the character turnarounds, I put a texture on the cape, to add visual interest, but I kept the rest of Red flat because I didn't want to make her look too busy. While colouring the expressions, I came to the decision that the cape's original pattern was too heavy, and changed that by lessening the opacity and putting the lining's colour beneath it, after some experimentation. I added two freckles to Red's face, to add a more distinctive look to her. This was brought about from looking through some of my old sketchbooks, and realising that, aside from being 3ft tall, I had about ten characters that looked awfully similar to Red.

And here is the finished sheet.

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