1. Put your iTunes library, favorite Spotify playlist, etc. on shuffle and design a character inspired by the first song that comes up.
So this is day 1 of this character design challenge. I went on Spotify, picked the first playlist I saw. I couldn’t be bothered to try and find a playlist I’d never heard and didn’t think I’d hate.
It was the musicals playlist. And the first song I got was Ten Minutes Ago from Roger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
I thought designing a version of Cinderella would be way too obvious so you get... An unusually young Fairy Godmother, with a bit of a pumpkin theme.
Also, fun trick, due to how I shaded her, if I turn off the visibility on her flat colours, she instantly turns into a ghost.
Finally, please ignore the perspective on the window. Why did I decide to use a background that requires drawing architecture again?