Wednesday 6 May 2015

My Digital Media Project - Brief 1 Prototype

The prototype for the first brief was a banner for a website, in this case, I looked up the dimensions for a Twitter banner (So that I can use it for my Twitter, because I'm a filthy cheater).

I had a very particular idea of what I wanted this image to look. Joyfully, I soon discovered...

This would be the easiest thing in the world to do. Seriously, it took me all of a half hour. Granted, I already had the character (Robo) drawn in Illustrator, and that definitely took longer, but it was also long done, before even the development deadline.

I just selected a square, and used the gradient tool to create the fade effect I wanted. Then it was only a matter of adding the desired words on top. I'm fairly sure I spent more time picking a font than putting in the lines.

Seriously, less than half an hour.

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