Thursday 10 January 2013

Character Design Influences 1

I apologise ahead of time, because I'm here to talk about what is likely the biggest influence in art I've ever had. I may ramble.

Princess Tutu, created by Ikuko Itoh.

(Original video here: by ElhaymVanHouten)

Princess Tutu is a Japanese Anime following a duck named Ahiru, who is turned into a girl by an undead storyteller, so that she may fill the role of "Princess Tutu". She has to find the heartshards, pieces of a prince's heart, which he broke apart by his own hand to seal away the evil raven.

The character design in Princess Tutu is very simplified, which is surprising for how dark the story can get. Some characters are also anthropomorphic animals, such as anteaters and cats. It is very surreal, and the simple art lends itself to a childish, fairytale like atmosphere, which is very much perfect for the story.

This is a page from the Princess Tutu Materials Collection, a book of production art of Princess Tutu. This is the page containing the expressions of Lillie, a secondary character in the series. Much of how I've drawn eyes for years has been inspired by Lillie's eyes, though I do not often draw hair that stylised.

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