Friday 25 January 2013

Week's Reflection 25/1/2013

This week, I started modeling Thomas in Cinema 4D. I enjoy 3D modelling, it's like sculpture but with much steadier hands than I have. David taught us how to model a character with the Extrude tool.

I used the character elevations we'd made to make sure we would create the character properly, with the correct proportions, and so that it looked at last similar to the actual design.

I did my modelling by creating a box, then using the Extrude tool to grow it into more, shapes and limbs. I began with the feet. I ended up having to mess with the size of the legs soon after this screenshot, since they cut through the boots.

I used HyperNURBs to round the shapes of, to make them look more aesthetically pleasing and stylised. I am exceedingly proud of how these legs turned out.

I also tried my hand at modelling a hand, as was also taught by David. Again, I began with a box, changed it's shape so it formed an acceptable palm, and used the Extrude tool to create the fingers, thumb and arm.

And, of course, I used the HyperNURBs, to give the arm a curved, aesthetically pleasing appearance.

I realised that to create a noticeable shape to the limbs in this method, the shape has to be fairly exaggerated in the original block appearance.

David also taught us about the lave tool, which takes an outline and creates a circular shape from it, such as a wine glass with half the outline of one. I created a vase, and afterwards we were encouraged to try out different textures on it and... Well...


At home, I created another leg, without making it obvious whether it was right or left, duplicated it, and tried to see if I could create a pelvis on my own.
As you can see, this did not quite work.

I have some targets for next week, I would like to create a better character model, and perhaps see about rigging it. I likely will not manage to do the whole of these two targets for next week, but I would like to at least make a start.

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